Tuesday, December 29, 2015

2015 Year In Music

This is the type of post that I have been writing for a few years now, where I present a quick rundown of what I have been listening to in the past year and listing my favorite albums. I'm not going to do that this year. While I have definitely been listening to music all year long, I wouldn't say that I would be qualified to recommend much new music from the past year. Honestly, I was so busy this year that I didn't devote as much time to discovering new music as I have in the past. I also spent a lot more time listening to older music that I admire more than anything being made at the moment.

I started this blog initially to create an archive of my creative output, and to preserve that on the internet. While I don't update very often, I still like using this space to present whatever projects I have been working on. This was a busy year for me as a musician, as well as a producer and engineer. So this year I'm going to present a quick rundown of everything that has been released this year that I had a hand in. This has been my busiest year since moving to New York, and while I'm proud of what I accomplished, I believe this is only the tip of the iceberg and that next year will be better than the past. But maybe that's just me being optimistic. I love being a musician and I've very grateful for the people whom I make music with. Here are the fruits of my labor.

Gold Child, "Tides."

This is a project that is particularly close to my heart. Emily is my girlfriend and she writes beautiful music. We were fortunate enough to put a band together this year and release our first single. I played drums, co-produced, engineered, mixed, and mastered this track.

Inner Outlaws, "Year of the Outlaw."

While the future of IO is uncertain at the moment, this has been a very important year for us. We embarked on a very ambitious project this year of writing and recording a new track each month. And we almost made it! Here are the eight tracks that we made this year. I played drums, co-produced, engineered, mixed, and mastered all of these tracks, except for 'Just Like Moonlight' and 'The Mark,' which were mixed and mastered by Matt Shane.

Ski Lodge, "Trust," "Heaven Is Now," "God Will Never Come For Us."

These three tracks represent a new direction for Ski Lodge and are the result of sessions that were started a long time ago, so I am very glad that they have been released. I helped produce these songs with Andrew, and played drums and various percussion on these tracks, mostly on 'Trust' and 'Heaven Is Now,' where the drums were tracked live to 2 inch tape before being chopped up in Pro Tools.

Surf Rock is Dead, "Never Be the Same."

What started out as an occasional gig has turned full time, with the occasional session. I started playing with these guys in March and haven't stopped since, playing close to thirty shows in NYC this year. While I'm not a major part of the creative process, I did play drums on this track.


Those are all the tracks that I played on that have been released this year, but I have also been playing with a couple other groups. Go check out Von Sell and Gemma.

Thank you all for listening and here are some shots of me playing drums cause why not?