Saturday, January 29, 2022

2021 Year In Music

We are now two years into this pandemic fiasco, and it continues to dominate our daily lives on every level. Being an artist and navigating the 'new normal' is incredibly difficult, however, life must go on! We must adapt and conform while we continue to create because people need the arts now more than ever. Obviously we still need to be safe to protect ourselves and everyone around us, and unfortunately that means we still must be patient before jumping back into this full steam ahead. With that said, I was fortunate enough to contribute to some creative projects throughout the year, and have recently started returning to the road.

Gold Child

This was a tough year for Emily and myself, however, we were able to release our second full length album, which was started just prior to quarantine in New York. This album is a huge step forward creatively for Emily, and a great progression in her songwriting. We were fortunate to work with some excellent people on this project, including our good friend and longtime band member John Fredericks. Our friend Allen Tate helped us produce the tracks, friends Tim Lappin, Gabriel Rodriguez, Will McLaren, and Dan Kalisher played all over it, and friend Ariel Loh mixed the album.

The Gloomies

I had started playing with my friend Andy prior to quarantine, and he had asked me to contribute drums to a track he was working on this past year. Since moving to Los Angeles, I still have yet to find a studio space of my own, but have still been able to find different spaces to remotely record drum tracks for friends. This track made it onto his recently full length, and we were fortunate enough to do a short tour of the midwest in December.

Other than recording projects, I have recently become a live member of Lyn Lapid's band. This has been an eye opening experience and I have learned so much about the modern live show environment. I look forward to many more shows in the future.